Find feature
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What happened to the Find function?In recent weeks when searching the World Tree > Find by ID, it does not work after clicking Rese…
Find results filter improvementThis post is a minor bug report. Recently FamilySearch has added to the Places gazetteer German Emp…
AUTO-FILL PLACE NAMESWhat happened to the AUTO-FILL PLACE NAMES on the 'SEARCH' and 'FIND' screens? Please bring this b…
Find results omit parentsNew today, I am seeing a Find results page that omits parents. And it has a sideways scroll bar th…Answered ✓ Closed dontiknowyou 431 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou Family Tree
Find tool strange behaviorCurrently, Find returns the same number of results regardless of selected sex or added family membe…
Tabbing Through the FIND PageIf you tab through the fields on the FIND page for Family Search, the tabbing skips from MALE to MA…Answered ✓ Closed IFSargent 422 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Bruce Wilkinson General Questions
FT database indexing glitchThis is a report for escalation to engineers. I do not need help. KH8K-XJ7 Ursula Zentner is appea…