Tabbing Through the FIND Page
If you tab through the fields on the FIND page for Family Search, the tabbing skips from MALE to MARRIAGE without stopping at Female Unspecified or Birth. It would be nice if this was fixed so that we wouldn't have to stop tabbing and use the mouse click instead.
See attached pic. Thanks and have a great holiday!
Best Answer
After submitting this "bug" to the website developers, here is the developers' response to the original question above regarding tabbing through the radio buttons:
" The W3C documentation suggests that radio buttons act as a single element on the page, which is why tabbing to it only goes to either the first radio or the selected one, and then skips the rest when tab is pressed again. The radio buttons can be navigated using the arrow keys once the radio group has focus.
If we're worrying about screen readers, tab isn't used for navigation (typically).
Here's a couple good references explaining how Radio Groups work with tabbing: "
Soooo...We are apparently up against the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to get the standard changed for this feature. That is a pretty tall wall to bang our heads against. In the future I think I will probably use the arrow keys to "tab" between radio buttons--or just click on them. When trying this out, I was able to tab to the first radio button and then "Arrow" to the next one. Continued presses of he Arrow keys cycle through the radio buttons, selecting them each in turn. It also appears that, once a button is selected, "arrowing" to the next selects it but the buttons can't be cleared so that they are all empty (unselected) again without starting the Find feature over. At this point, I am convinced that this is all the fault of the W3C.
For me tab goes First Names, Last Names, Marriage, skipping over Male, Female, Unspecified. Tab also skips over Match All Exactly.
I wish Show Exact Matching Fields were at the top, not the bottom of the form.
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This appears to be a browser specific problem. @IFSargent , you should post what you are using so the engineers can track down the problem.
For me, I see:
Safari 15.0, the order when tabbing is: first name, last name, +marriage
Firefox 94.0.2 (macOS), the order when tabbing is: first name, last name, male, female, unspecified, +marriage. Firefox also hits correctly when tabbing. Match All Exactly.
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Well, we tried!
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Note: The inconsistency between browsers is still bothersome. So, that question has been posted to the engineers as a follow-up. Stay tuned.