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Discussion List
0"read-only"Joy Peck said: Don McArthur, a patron at the Parktown Family History Centre, has noticed that Al…
0Static Windows inhibit work and cost time in Family SearchTom Huber said: There has been a trend (most recently represented in the Search Results page) of op…
0Dates in Latest Changes do not show properly in Windows Crome!Heidi Kuosmanen said: For some time now, about two weeks, Latest Changes show the correct date when…
0Turning off discovery messagesJeff Felix said: Periodically I'm getting "Discovery" Messages. Since none of these are m…
0Indexing - Coping/Pasting to ExcelMichael Kevin Flood said: If the Indexing report can be remade so that it will work with excel it w…
0FAULT/FLAW: Appearance/Display of DATES when Records have been made has all of a sudden CHANGED fromBrett said: FamilySearch FAULT/FLAW: Appearance/Display of "Dates" when Records h…
0Deller is not the fellaMalcolm Brian Wain said: It would be very useful when entering a surname in "Search Historical…
0System needs a Tree Indicator for Single mother with a child and an unknown Father.Bruce Kent Salmond said: First I want to thank you for such a wonderful system! Hi Bruce, this is…
0Resolving "Non-Standardised" Information ProblemsAlfred Neumann said: My concern - and, therefore, suggestion - has to do with ordinances not being …
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