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Discussion List
2Search only by first name for Cherokee ancestorsApparently, FamilySearch recently added a strange algorithm to the "Search - Family Tree"…
1A button or option to see descendants with tasksWhat are you trying to accomplish? Why? On the phone app there's an option for descendants with tas…
2Having an option to see which sources are not attached to the tree.What are you trying to accomplish? Why? Having an option to see which sources are not attached to t…
4Ways should be explored to reduce the number of living persons being shown as Deceased in FTI don't think it should be beyond the capabilities of the programmers to devise a piece of coding t…
1ABOUT - TabThis is my first time here. I really like the About tab - summary - It is normally great except for…
1Please improve colors and contrasts on, e.g., the family tree pages - see belowWhat is the challenge or roadblock you are encountering? Please have a look at the screenshot atach…
2Being able to Print Sealing to parents for one person but not all on pageWhen we used to get the names back from the Temple, it was fine to have all ordinances printed on o…
2No prompt for a reason statement when changing Death details in Family TreeIt has been explained to me previously why Death details (under the Vitals section) cannot be delet…
7It would be nice to be able to dismiss incorrect Similar RecordsThis may have been addressed in the past, but since I don't remember if a specific request was made…
1"Unsaved Data" Popup/Warning when you leave page without SavingPlease add an "Unsaved Data are you Sure You Want To Leave" warning/caution popup if a pe…
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