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Online records no longer available from a FamilyHistory CenterThe above records have been available from our FSC for many months and have been used by a patron f…
Looking for information on the following family.Werner Family Information Gottlob (Gottlieb?)S Werner was born on July 12, 1791 in Langenbielau, Re…
book of the commune of "Zero Branco" in Italy from the year 1877Hello! I need the birth book of the commune of "Zero Branco" in Italy from the year 1877,…
When will the place name mangler get fixed ?This has been causing problems for far too long now. It's become a real hindrance. The human effort…
I'm having problems viewing Personas dataI use the personas function so that I can view the person's occupation when it doesn't appear in t…
FamilySearch CatalogIn our FamilySearch Center we have noticed that some of the restricted films that should be visible…
Results on index are inaccurate and Quality scoreWhat if the record was indexed incorrectly (I have seen hundreds) but we have the correct person at…
Help with researching family history - Nelhiebel-VaczulikI am very excited to be part of this group. I have been doing research on my husbands family for ye…
Incorrect dates of death have been indexedCan you give me some advice on the attached page from Richmond. Gravestone Transcription Records. T…
Catalog UpdateIn case you haven't seen the Catalog announcement in Community News. I know I don't always see thes…
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