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Where can I find the "What to Remember about This project?"I need to leave a note from the project I'm doing and I can't find the "What to Remember about…
Index batch with more than 1000 names - Interface field too smallI have indexed a batch with over a 1000 names as shown above. The field highlighted in yellow is t…
indexing a record for "twins" in given name fieldI am reviewing Wisconsin death records. A record has "twins of (name of father)" in the d…
Indexing City DirectoriesM34C-RBX Are the names in parentheses at the end of the line children? Do I index them each separat…
RE: US-City and Business Directories, 1749-1990[Part C][M34C-RVL]In the case of the template being preset at 300 entries, and there are only 50 or 60 records in the…
Indexing issue: Early Settlers of Western New York <-> Idaho Births and Christenings, 1856-1965Some attachable records come up as being from "Idaho Births and Christenings, 1856-1965" …Answered Closed Daniel_Calvin_Campbell 301 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel_Calvin_Campbell
Can't change birthplace location on drop down list.Liberia—2008 Census [Part K] [M3ZN-2KS] Reviewing: trying to change a birthplace to a different loc…
place of birth defaults to a blank field during indexingLiberia—2008 Census [Part K][M3ZJ-28M] county code [30] district code [06] house hold no [019] line…
in Liberia—2008 Census [Part K] I can't put in different BirthplaceThe birthplace is 55, however, the dropdown list does not have that number and will not let me type…
Entries on top of page instead of left side & # don't line up.What is going on? New York Land records Entries are on top instead of the left side & the numbe…
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