Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
how do i upload my ancestry treehow do i upload my ancestry tree
I added the wrong person to my tree and can't remove him. The only delete option I can find says somI added the wrong person to my tree and can't remove him. The only delete option I can find says so…
Hi! Am sort of new and through my haste, I made an error in merging. KD9S-32S If you look at this IDHi! Am sort of new and through my haste, I made an error in merging. KD9S-32S If you look at this I…
How do I create a FamilySearch Tree ID from a FindAGrave Index source?How do I create a FamilySearch Tree ID from a FindAGrave Index source?
What is "follow" someone?What is "follow" someone?
naming a stillborn infantnaming a stillborn infantI know the birth/death date and place and parents' names (I have a death c…
I have discovered an Uncle already entered in FamilySearch but it shows he is living and I know thatI have discovered an Uncle already entered in FamilySearch but it shows he is living and I know tha…
Wie kann ich Einträge in meinem Stammbaum löschenWie kann ich Einträge in meinem Stammbaum löschen
Commeent transmettre mon arbre généalogique de Geneanet vers Familysearch ?Commeent transmettre mon arbre généalogique de Geneanet vers Familysearch ?
What is the number below a name ie:L51Y-5JX?What is the number below a name ie:L51Y-5JX?
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