Family Tree
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Discussion List
how to record sex changeIn my tree I have persons who are born as girl and now a man, and also persons who are born as boy…
Portrait view diagramUntil recently, in portrait view, the connector would connect the parents to the a child box such t…Answered Closed Jorge Hygino Braga Sampaio Junior 158 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by David_B_Putman
NicaraguaI am looking for a descendant of Charles Henry Hodgson Vogel my grandfather... He died in Nicaragua…
Is it just a problem with my computer or.....?Individuals are showing number of sources, i e (2), but when I open the source list, nothing is lis…
Today (09 Aug 2024) I can not see the attached sources on a ID-page. 'Til yesterday it worked.Also problems to connect a source .. after connecting, the buttons shows always "connect"…
how do I search by individual ID numberhow do I search by individual ID number
Map My Ancestors - Family Tree AppIs there a way to change the routing color in Map My Ancestors? I like to see how an ancestor has …
Placename standardization: revising the display name no longer works in many casesI've given up on waiting until I can include screenshots; y'all will just need to go try it yoursel…
US1910ProjectThe BYU US1910Project is creating duplicate records in Family Search. There are not enough data poi…
Family Tree ChangeThe family tree used to show the children by a drop down it doesn't now. Why?
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