Unfinished Attachments
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How to record or link guardianship and complete unfinished matches 2 part questionMother and father died. After the death of the parents guardianship of surviving son (John) was giv…
Name of celebrant priest: best practice?What would you advise to do with the names of officiants in, say, christening ceremonies? As an exa…
1Unfinished AttachmentsWhen dismissing unfinished attachments in Family Search, it would be good to have a screen to expla…Active Closed Russell Glen Jacobsen 225 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Russell Glen Jacobsen Suggest an Idea
1871 UK Censusthe 1871 UK Census for my relative Catherine Ann Hunter M4JH-631 has an unfinished attachment for t…
Non-Existent SpouseI have an unfinished attachment was is all correct except for one thing. I have a death record for …
Source Linker - Unfinished attachmentsOk, perhaps I should know what is necessary here... I might have fallen asleep during that part of …Answered ✓ Closed Stephen Moore_6 424 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou Family Tree
1Dismiss button available in source linkerI think it would be extremely helpful to hide the unfinished attachment message from the source lin…
1Add to unfinished attachments a search box or enter FS IDPlease add the ability to finish attachements to people not showing as part of the family tree. cur…new Closed KayLynnMathews 223 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
Thomas Coleman Sr L27C-CFNUnfinished Source United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 Thomas Coleman Sr Under Other,…Answered Closed McPikeRaphaelThomas 192 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
Attaching issueWhen attaching the 1870 Census for Paint Township, Ross, Ohio, United States, it does not show all…Answered ✓ Closed YoungstromGeorgiannKae1 159 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by CathyAH General Questions