Record Viewing
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Is anyone familiar with the format and meaning of Jamaican Baptism Records in 1872?Found a record that contains information for an ancestor. I understand most of the columns but ther…Answered Closed arielpintotorres1 271 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by karenrasmussen Search
0Images aren't displaying or are displaying with "Image not Available" messages overlaid on themAnn H said: Image viewing isn't working from Search Records and Search Catalog or from Sources on t…Active Closed LegacyUser 951 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Submitting corrections to Family Search for indexing errors to the research documents.Hal Hutchens said: The indexing of documents in Family Search contains a lot of errors. In order fo…
Idaho County, Idaho Judgements and index: DGS 4533342I am trying to view the index (item 7) for Idaho County, Idaho, and the Judgements (item 6) for 187…Answered ✓ Closed Laurie Skinner Francis 211 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
1Wrong Historical Record Linked to Source in John Retter & Sophia Fare 1820 MarriageGroom is John Retter, PID K66Z-Y9B. Bride is Sophia (Clark) Fare, PID GMXT-QV8. Source is entitled…
1Wrong Historical Record for "Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958," SourceBride is Sophia Clark [sic - aka as Sophia Fare/Fair] GMXT-QV8. Groom is John Retter K66Z-Y9B. On…
Why I can't see the records that others canI've searched for Roman Catholic parish books for area around Nowosiółka from 19th century. Now is …Answered ✓ Closed OndrejKraus 371 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
1Make all Księgi metrykalne, 1680-1920, Parafja Lisia Góra available onlineThe films are 2007210-2007214. 2007210 and 200213 are available to view at FHCs, why not 2007211, …
0New Message center changes don't work!Brian Edward Schuck said: This is regarding case #07521973. There were three changes that were made…