Make all Księgi metrykalne, 1680-1920, Parafja Lisia Góra available online
The films are 2007210-2007214. 2007210 and 200213 are available to view at FHCs, why not 2007211, 2007212, and 2007214? With all the FHCs still shut, I cannot continue my research. A FHC near me has all 5 films but that FHC is still closed, no access to those records at all. Then there is the issue of how slow it is to save an image to a thumb drive using the FHC's readers. The online access is so much more time efficient. If 2 films can be online, why not all 5?
The reason that films are restricted or not available are usually due to either a lack of permission from the record owner or privacy laws.
I looked only at film 2007211 as an example. Note that this film has a DGS number- this means the film has been digitized. But the digital film hasn't been published. This film has 11 Items, and if any one of these cannot be published, then the entire film cannot be published.
Item 8 has records from 1918. It's possible that a privacy limitation of 110 years applies, or maybe the privacy limitation is 100 years but FS hasn't gotten around to unrestricting the film yet.
Many of these Items relate to different towns/parishes. It's possible that each parish owns its records and must give permission for their publication. This would mean that just one parish refusing permission means that all 11 Items cannot be published.
FS has announced that it will eventually split films with multiple Items into separate films, but that this may take several years.
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Something started to happen. At the films 2007211, 2007212, 2007214 there is a "camera with a key" icon - the same as in the other films. Previously, there was a "microfilm spool" icon.