Discussion List
3General sources for an Individual not selectable in MarriageIt would be nice if we could go to a marriage and added a MARRIAGE SOURCE from the general sources …new Closed TerryMP01 521 views 12 comments 3 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Attaching a source to a marriageWhen viewing a marriage there is an option to attach a record source. the only options are to add …new Closed JoePerkins 461 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Lynne Johnston Westra Suggest an Idea
1FamilySearch records error reportingPaul said: If we can now report errors in the Catalog records, why is there still no provision for …
5"Boxing"/highlighting information found in a documentI'm currently indexing a cursive Spanish document where the organization makes it so that the names…new Closed Hunter, Matthew Jacob 391 views 3 comments 5 points Most recent by Mike sheets_1 Suggest an Idea
5marriage source from tagsIt would be great to have a tag for marriage when adding a source to Closed Lee Merritt 321 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Lynne Johnston Westra Suggest an Idea
1Allow adding sources to living peopleJon Andersen said: Today adding sources to living people is not allowed. Allowing adding source…
4change to links to findagraveIt seems to me that the way family search links to findagrave sources has changed and it's frustrat…
1Make a Data Error for Marriage Date After Death DateJordi Kloosterboer said: Jenneke Looijen had two marriage events, one (1847) was correct, and the …
Allow other than photos to be added to sources from the galleryI recently created a source to which I wanted to attach a PDF from my gallery. The system is only p…
2Marriage date vs marriage of intention dateWhen attaching sources, it would be helpful to be able to put the dates in order. Sources had been…