Language Settings
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4Change dates to other languagesJust as you so cleverly made it possible to choose which spouse's tree to show, where there are mul…new Closed DebraMitchell1 211 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
Get Involved App presenting incorrect languageHi I am using the get involved app. Today all my documents are in Spanish even though I have Engli…
Please leave language setting as isSince a short excursion to a help function available only in English, I can not reset it to German …Answered ✓ Closed HolgerKraft2 481 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi General Questions
5Conflict: order of namesMost countries use [first name] [last name] in that order. But there are some other countries where…new Closed Roland David 1.2K views 32 comments 5 points Most recent by ZoltanKelemen4 Suggest an Idea
2Chinese Name FieldsIn the Help Center Article…
Hungary bad indexing, Source Linker making it worseA Hungarian woman typically does not take her husband's surname but may be identified as "wife…
Personal names in Russian and GermanG6TJ-BSG. Why does the Cyrillic version of the name appear on the profile title?
Helyes-e a személyi azonosítónak (ID Number) és a hozzárendelt nyelvnek az egymáshoz való viszonya?Ugyanaz az elhunyt személy különböző anyanyelvű családkutató személyeknek a családjához tartozhat. …Answered SzuIgnac 491 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Magyar - Hungarian
Hvorfor er min language setting ændret ca. hveranden gang jeg kommer ind?Min Default Language setting = Danish, men ca. hver anden gang jeg kommer ind er den blevet ændret …Answered BirgitteOlsen1 331 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maija-Liisa Årsnes Dansk – Danish