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Indexing Illinois Naturalization DepositionsWhat do you think? These seem similar to the Australian probate files with many pages of documents.…
Requesting reindexing when place name attached incorrectly?Hello, I've been noticing a lot of 1901 Canadian census records for residents of Peel County, Ontar…
Irish Baptisms: Get the child's surname from the father.The instructions say: When indexing Ireland baptism and marriage records, if the principal's or sp…
Invalid Day Number In RecordSo, I'm attempting to index a record. However, there is a big problem: That is literally a scr…Answered ✓ particlescienceiscool 45 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Indexing
How do you index and Affadavit of WitnessesIn the batches of "US, Ohio—Naturalization Records, 1912–1922" the instructions state to …
Name change on recordI think that if a person changed their name I should put the name that they changed to but, when in…
Should this baptism be recorded as a twin, and so, with the same parents above?This is an Irish baptismal record from 1865, recorded in Latin. I'm indexing. Hugo, the son of Dom…
The Enumerator used the wrong columns for color & marital status, do I correct it or index it as isI'm indexing the Kansas State Census for 1885. On my current page the Enumerator put tick marks in …
WWI Draft Records Indexed IncorrectlyI noticed some WWI Draft records were indexed incorrectly—instead of writing the person on the draf…