Incorrect person
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how do I delete a personhow do I delete a person
Incorrect AncestorsI was looking at my tree today wanting to change some ancestors that I got incorrect, as there were…
I am unable to remove someone added to my tree in error - I've used 'remove/replace for her husbandbut he and she are still showing in my family tree and I don't seem able to remove them - I think I…Answered ✓ Closed SusanSmith461 351 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Colin Ramsbottom Family Tree
how do I delete someone from my family tree?how do I delete someone from my family tree?
Why are people changing names/relationships/information that I have entered for MY family members.My Father is Chauncey Young; not Chauncey Young Jr. My Father's wife is Vera Beverly Varney; not Ve…
How can I remove wrong ancestor in my family tree?How can I remove wrong ancestor in my family tree?Answered ✓ Closed User15857649144504007740 331 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by debraaston Family Tree
I have a family tree problem. I discovered that I had incorrect people listed as 2nd great parents.I have a family tree problem. I discovered that I had incorrect people listed as 2nd great parents.…
How do I delete a person from the tree?How do I delete a person from the tree?My grandfather's information is wrong. Name is correct but …