Incorrect child parent relationship
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Insistent user creating unsupported false relationship. Help!!This is in regards to Ralph Shelton Sr. at MCTX-NFR. There is a user who continues to create a rela…
Two similar ancestors, but not the same personMy 6th great grandfather is listed as the wrong person, and everytime I change it to the correct pe…Answered Closed Stevens, Madison Dawn 501 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by CookeWilliamB1 Family Tree
1Allow the documentation of half-siblings (children with only 1 common parent, not two)The system should allow a way to easily document children who are born in situations where 1) the p…
Re: Robert Corey Brooks - Duplicates LVPF-RZ3 and GYN7-FQNA couple of years ago I started entering a bunch of family members with info I had received from my…
There seems to an error in a source in LZN2-QH1In the sources for LZN2-QH1 in the 1861 English census. this source is tied to a person born in the…Answered Closed MrYeliab 231 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CarolynMBeazer General Questions
What does this change mean?This change was recently made to one of my ancestors & I am trying to figure out what was actua…
How do I delete an incorrect family tree entryHow do I delete an incorrect family tree entryAnswered ✓ Closed John_Mitchell 1.8K views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
member on family tree not relatedEmma Meyer Reed (GW48-PML) is listed as a child of Henry C. Meyer (LRLZ-ZGR) and Julia Schrader Mey…Answered Closed robertmandler 251 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Family Tree