Family Tree Bug
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Bug - non-standardized info won't saveAs of the past week or so, when I try create a new individual (and occasionally when I try to edit …Answered ✓ Heidi Soderquist Perry 96 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Heidi Soderquist Perry Family Tree
1870 Census event place is incorrectThe place shown is Pennsylvania, but when you open the image, the actual event place is Albemarle C…Answered EarlMarshall if it isnt documented it didnt happen 88 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Maile L Search
"Add Spouse" Button is grayed out and can't click on it.I had a patron come in tonight with a problem I have never seen before. The computer will not let h…
Problem on source pageI found a weird bug today when clicking on a source (marriage record), in order to attach to a Pers…Answered ✓ Closed CherylMillerBlack 202 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Family Tree
Blank Screen in safari - Bug ReportI am using safari Version 13.1.2 (13609. MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 This behavior started …
7Report a BugPlease create a link to report a bug. My entire to-do list was just wiped out. It contained hundr…
[bug] Location being presented as not standardized when creating new profileI get this standardization bug every time I add a new person (new profile/ID) based on an entry tha…
Invalid link to person from relationship modalWhen I edit a relationship and click on one of the person links it opens to a 404 page. It appears …Answered Closed FrancoisForster 263 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by FrancoisForster Family Tree