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Suggestion for Adding Immigration Records from Museu da ImigraçãoHello, I recently came across a valuable source of data that I believe could be a great addition to…
How to resolve error in source linkerThe error says: Something Went Wrong Error loading source: /ark:/61903/1:1:QLF8-PLLF https://www.fa…
Creating a source for a marriageGreetings, I am wondering why when a source is created for a marriage, the souce is not added to…
Sources now not allowed?Tonight I am running into a rash of World War I draft registrations not allowed to be viewed. This …Answered Closed W D Samuelsen contact me please 102 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by W D Samuelsen contact me please Search
Sources not showing and unable to add new sourceHi , I am having problems with sources, specifically they are not showing even i I added in the pa…
Issue Attaching Sources to PeopleHi all! I've been getting into genealogy lately and love this website... but over the last few days…
adding documents, photos and memories to a relative's recordGreetings! I have recently been scanning several letters, photos and also my grandfather's Journal.…Answered Closed David Everett Harris 211 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey Memories