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This has already been reported to FamilySearch Support. You can follow the discussion in the FamilySearch Community:
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It would be great to see a warning on the list of personal contributions in case the newly added person has a possible duplicate in the database already. It would lead to further research and hopefully further discoveries, as well as improve integrity of the tree.
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Josip50 Thank you for your feedback. The duplicate warning will show if your newly entered information already matches the tree. This article may be helpful:
How do I find duplicates in Family Tree if they do not appear in the possible duplicates list?
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Why am I getting the "red crossed-out circle" blocking me from adding my own spouse..?
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Mark64942 Is your spouse still living? Is your Spouse in Family Search already? If you're having trouble with tasks you've previously done and this seems to be specific to this particular situation, maybe set up an appt. with the Free Research Consultations provided by the FamilySearch Library.
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My son's father's family will not recognize him even with DNA match. Is it possible to hide his tree from the public?
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@Susan Moreno_2 Thank you for your question. Please check in with Online Genealogy Help or Genealogy Research Help.
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How do I get the Nasby Mills book by M Virginia Squires Mills? How to I get signed up for a new book to be published in the next two months of The Mills Family History. I would also like to contribute the Henry B. Mills and Williams Mills lines from Henry Mills and Amanda Jane Jones. I have six more generations to contribute. I would also like to find out if it is too late to get our information in this new book. Help!!
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Rebecca93506 Please contact: Rebecca93506 Good luck!
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Out of curiosity I checked out my contact info - it shows a set up date of 2017. I actually submitted my family tree information long before that and nothing since. Now I find that others have submitted changes or new information on my submissions without my knowledge or permission - leaving misleading and incorrect information. I guess when you open someone's work for someone else to access you open a can of worms. That's one reason why I quit submitting my research. Too many people just tag on without checking or verifying that it is the correct person they are looking for. Yes, I've used other researcher's work to jump-start my own but not without first verifying by other means if it really is the line I'm looking for. Sure with others would do the same.
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Thank you for your question. FamilySearch Family Tree is open-edit and collaborative. Other users have put these individuals into the Family Tree without documentation.
Please check in with Online Genealogy Help or Genealogy Research Help to correct and verify sources in your research.
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Add a D for divorced or W for widow/widower next to the marriage details.
Often it is not known that this has happened and may lead to new discoveries.
Personal experience as my father was married 7 times and divorced 4 times.
See L8BB-K880 -
How do you add a photo to a person? Is that an option?
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@Laura Saegert Thank you for your inquiry.
To add a photo to a person in FamilySearch, you can do the following:
- Go to the person's page in Family Tree
- Click the person's portrait or silhouette
- Select Upload Photo to add a new photo from your computer
- Select Select from Gallery to add a photo from your Memories Gallery
- Choose the photo you want to use
- Adjust the photo's size and orientation
- Drag the photo to position it in the circle
- Click Save
You can also add photos to a person's details page by following these steps:
- Open the person's details page
- Click Memories
- Click the plus sign icon (+)
- Click Add Photo
- Select a file from your device or the Gallery
- Click Upload
- Edit the photo and click Save
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Is there a way to get a total count of how many contributions I have made?
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I did not realize that anyone could edit the family tree that you created without your permission. Is there a way to delete a family tree that you created to prevent that from happening.
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The FamilySearch Family Tree is a collaborative tree where everyone works together on one central tree. Once you've contributed to the Tree, you cannot delete your contribution. There are stand alone tree software programs that sync with FamilySearch that you can use to keep your own person tree private.
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I tried to review source documents on my family tree this am but got a message "unavailable" these records are only available at Family search libraries" However, they were there yesterday, and I appended them to my person from my source box. What happened!
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@imanorphan Thank you for your inquiry. Typically, when a source is documented as being attached to a person within the family tree, it remains there. The article, "Attaching Sources" may be helpful.