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This PID should likely be DELETEDThis person: appears to be a total crea…
New Photos Marked as DuplicateI'm adding a few photos of my (living) grandmother, but it keeps flagging them as duplicates when t…Answered Closed Cari_Walker 231 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by DoreneHancockSmith Memories
In trying to reserve ordinances the system stops me saying there are duplicates.I have researched and merged all possible duplicates and the ID numbers of the persons are the same…Answered ✓ Closed Isabel Norat 241 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Isabel Norat Family Tree
Seeing double ,duplicates that aren't really duplicatesNot far into my ancestors, I had Great grandparents that were cousins marry (same surnames) , their…