This PID should likely be DELETED

This person: appears to be a total creation of FamilySearch or a very old migration:
It was a 2012 creation which was a migration into FSTree.
THERE ARE NO SOURCES attached; all changes are by FS in 2012 except the last TWO in 2021 are by FamilySearch.
There is an offered possible duplicate: Sidney Bailey • KJJ4-3QX - BUT this PID is a MALE (the subject PID is female.)
This female PID is attached as the "spouse" of Sidney Bailey • KJJ4-3QX with FOUR children, all surnamed "Bailey" ( NOT Stearns) (ALL with NO SOURCES & apparently migrated into FSTree in 2012!!)
The Delete button is "unavailable" BUT it would seem to be an appropriate action for this PID.
Please forward to FStech who might be able to resolve this! Thanks
Thank you for your well documented information. This should be resolved.
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Well done, Rhonda,😊😊 Your 'solution' appears to be exactly what I'd hoped for & quicker than I could have done it.