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Incorrect changes made by WAY distant familyI've noticed that lately there have been several changes on my tree - even to my own mother's detai…
Android bug/problem report: MessagesWhen opening FamilySearch Messages feature in Chrome 98.0.47... (Latest version on Android) - the t…Question Closed genthusiast 261 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by genthusiast General Questions
2Message box does not give any indication of further informationIf you create a message by clicking on the Message icon in the upper right part of the screen, and …new Closed McConnellCurtisWilliam56 241 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Brett . Suggest an Idea
2Messages Input box should be expandableThe Messages input box should be expandable so that I can see the entire message that I'm composing.
Why or how have all of my messages been deleted?I had plenty of messages and conversations with others about common relatives. Then this morning I …Answered Closed sparrow_w_w 191 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou General Questions
MessagingI received a message through FamilySearch from 2ldgilpin. I would like to respond to her but when I…Answered ✓ Closed MaryHand 361 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by bathompson General Questions
3How to Resolve Duplicate Living Profiles for Someone Who Has DiedIt is a fact that in the shared family tree there are many duplicate living profiles. When they di…
Answered ✓ Closed Gregory Crosby Spencer 241 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by DebDT Family Tree