marriage indexes
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Indexing Marriage -Names duplicated but crossed outIn my current batch which is the "UK, England, Diocese of Blackburn—Church of England Parish R…
Missouri County Marriages - What is the significance of the "C" in front of some entries?I am working on the US, Missouri—County Marriages, 1806–1969 project and noticed some entries have …
How do I know this record contains marriage information?I am reviewing marriage index records, and don't understand the batch I just received. It has a ma…Answered Closed jonathondavidmiller1 211 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Margaret R Hall Indexing
Indexing entire record I am working onCan FamilySearch create a indexing project on a record not indexed that I am already working on? I …
US, Virginia Marriage Record 1853-1935 batch M3WK-BJXThe husband's father is listed as Isaac & .... and then the husband's mother is listed as Letty…Answered ✓ Closed colleen A Hodge 701 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
US, Virginia Marriage Records 1853-1935 M3WK-BJXThe Groom is Edgar Emerson. Under the box: Names of their parents is a box called Husband. Listed u…Answered ✓ Closed colleen A Hodge 281 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by colleen A Hodge Indexing
Name of Wife's Father listed as Place of Marriage ?Hello, I am indexing Marriages from 1868 Virginia, Tazewell county. On one entry, instead of the c…Answered ✓ Closed katrinaochsenbein 191 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
Improperly indexed pagesAttention Project Managers: UK, England, Lancashire—Marriage Bonds, 1746–1799 [M39R-G4V] I reviewed…Answered Closed WilmethAnnCarol2 531 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing