marriage indexes
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Searching birth certification from Genova 1839 to 1841Hi there, I have been searching for the Birth Certification for Miguel Spalla in Italy Genova, he …
1772 English Marriage Register with only surnames listedOn this page hundreds of pairs of surnames are listed only. For example: Newman & Harris. 10th…Answered ✓ Closed Jennifer Fraser_2 121 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by P Livingston Indexing
Incorrectly indexed marriage placeWhen the marriages in Hördt were indexed, the marriage place was incorrectly indexed as Holsterhaus…
Incorrectly indexedWhen the marriage records from Germersheim were indexed, the place was incorrectly entered as Ginde…
Marriage License but didn't get married - do I still index this?I'm reviewing marriage licenses and I've come across a marriage license where they appeared before …Answered ✓ Closed Hailey N. Goble 553 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing