marriage indexes
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Frustrated trying to get an 1846 London marriage recordHi. Through the GRO online website, I sent form with information to get a copy of 1846 JUN marriage…
Daughters recognition in deathbed marriage entryI have a deathbed marriage (him being on the bed and both being elder). On the same entry, immedia…
Marriage Act TranscriptionWhen Indexing, if I find a marriage act transcription from a marriage happened in another place, do…
given name or surname?I'm indexing VA marriage records. On the current image, there are columns for the husband's father …
Can someone please help me with deciphering or translating this record to find the marriage date?I am trying to find the marriage date for ID: MRNF-SRL. This is the source that is linked to his na…Answered ✓ Closed Heather Fisher Daniels 211 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Fisher Daniels Family Tree
Help!! Marriage record has 2 pages/ imagesHello everyone, Im currently helping with this batch México, Sinaloa—Registro Civil, 1861–1929 [Par…