life sketch
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Where is Life Sketch data?Where can I find the original “Life Sketch” notes that "Family Search" chose to delete? T…
What is the maximum length of time I can compose a message or enter a Life Sketch before I lose it?On many occasions over the last couple of years after I have completed entering a message to anothe…Answered Closed Vince Miller1 531 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Vince Miller1 Family Tree
Discovery Page Correction ProblemThe LIfe Summary on this Discovery Page'killea…
Is it possible to know who contributed a Life Sketch?Of course this excludes the case where the contributor has identified h[er,im] self.Answered ✓ Closed Douglas McPhaden 191 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Douglas McPhaden Family Tree
New Discovery "Life Summary" Paragraph InaccurateFor my wife's grandmother, Henry Clay Bowlin Draughon Howell (LCR9-5RC), the Life Summary paragraph…Answered ✓ Closed Allen Coleman 381 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Doniece Watkins Family Tree
I just have to shake my head.Is there any way to prevent people from entering completely undocumented lines to royalty? I was fo…Answered ✓ Closed Donald Newcomb 241 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Donald Newcomb Family Tree
Life sketch.Life sketch.Hi everyone complete novice here asking for help and advice. I've only just started put…Answered ✓ Closed User15881702471243328493 902 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by lorene walker1 Family Tree