Discussion List
Should I include the district as part of the event place for Pennsylvania Middle District Records?I noticed that in the field help instructions for US, Pennsylvania—Middle District Naturalization R…
2Pop-up window for "Recent Changes"I would like to make a suggestion for when project instructions get changed and a pop-up window com…
2Let Indexers Choose their Own ProjectsI have found many records from 1750-1830s here on familysearch, but they are not indexed nor transc…
How can I delete indexing entries?Hello, I am doing the Luxembourg 1900 census indexing. I have noticed that there are 30 entries, wh…
Why does to Michigan Naturalization Records batch only index one field?Hello! I have been doing more reviewing lately, and I have found my self stumped on a certain batch…
Nothing to review?I was reviewing a batch and an error occurred where there was no information to review except for t…Answered ✓ Closed Walker, Tyler William 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by erutherford Indexing
1Review names suggestionI think that having a clickable character alphabet would be very helpful, not only for name reviewi…Active Closed Nathaniel Simon Notheisen 43 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Nathaniel Simon Notheisen Suggest an Idea
RE PROJECT: US, New York—Eastern District Naturalization Records, 1906–1957/Record DatesI often find it confusing to identify the record dates to index in this project. Some of the forms…