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When to mark an Image as "No Extractable Data"For the US, Connecticut—Naturalization Records, 1841–1945 project, if image-one has a 'DoI' and ima…Answered ✓ Closed Richard Zaleski 2nd 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Zaleski 2nd Indexing
6City Directories Project - Add a SAY THANK YOU ButtonWhile a relative of mine was attaching one of the many records for our relatives in Santa Barbara r…
Can I correct indexing?I've noticed an error in an image that was indexed. How can I correct it? (I have started with some…
Page number or is it a record number?I am indexing a petition in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of New…
4Give indexing examples of confusing/complicated entries.In the instructions for the different projects, you should give examples of the entries that are th…
Selzach. Confirmation Records 1619–1721, Baptism Records 1619–1721, Religious D…
Use of 'rem' in directoryCurious to know, what does "rem" mean in an entry? as in Wilber James J rem to Ireland Th…
Indexing Names w/ Business Name Not the Same as personWorking on city directory that is a mix of businesses and residents. First entry is Pullman Diner (…