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Is there anyway to communicate with an indexer of a record?Is there anyway to communicate with an indexer of a record? I started reviewing a City Directory an…
Is there a career opportunityI am currently serving as a full-time Missionary in Nigeria and I've indexed more than 20,000 recor…Question Closed Wilford Justice Obeng-Agyenkwa 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashlee C. Get Involved
Very few options for indexing projects?Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that there are only one or two different indexing projects …
Finish for the day, can I resume tomorrow?I need to finish for the day. May I restart the project later this eveing or tomorrow morning? Tha…
Is it ok to index a more readable copy of the batch that I found online?I was schlepping through a fairly unreadable document, and looked up a name I wasn't sure about (Eg…
Error report - read-only indexed record This indexed record contains the following in…
Indexer skipped a column of dataI'm reviewing a city directory, and the indexer skipped the second column of names. I've heard tha…