indexing review
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Error with review of [Ghana—2010 Census]I am running into a glitch on the birthplace field in the Ghana 2010 Census project. The field does…
I am unable to create a new baptism record group and to keep the new peopleHello! I removed a group of my grandaunt from the baptism record due to the misalignment and disord…
Do we index the oath of allegiance when the petitioner has been denied and their name crossed out?US, Oregon—Naturalization Records, 1859–1956 [MQ6T-VCS]Answered ✓ Benjamin Rulon Andrew 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Benjamin Rulon Andrew Indexing
The grantee line is blank without ditto marks, but indexer used previous namesplease see 1630–1975 [Part B][M3GJ-B73], with line 17Answered ✓ Closed James Forest Olson 404 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by James Forest Olson Indexing
There are two child names given on birth cert. Do I make them separate entries ?File No. [M3G6-RKC]. If so shall I assume double birth and include same parent names on both? Also,…Answered Closed James Forest Olson 194 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by maryellenstevensbarnes1 Indexing
Kislónya/Nagylónya község hibás feltüntetéseTisztelt Family Search! Kislónya és Nagylónya 1834-ben egyesült Lónya néven, előtt ekét település v…
I've indexed over 1,000 records. How do I review?So, I've finally exceeded 1,000 records indexed, and I don't seem to have a review button under the…
US—City and Business Directories, 1749–1990 [Part C]I reviewed and submitted a batch of 1,100 names from the New York City directory on 8/23/21 at abou…Answered ✓ Closed allysonbunnywhitney1 125 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by scable2001 Indexing
why can't I find projects to reviewI usually index and review Germany/Austria records but did one Liberia census record a couple days …Answered ✓ Closed LarsonJeffreyParl1 425 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PaulaHarris Indexing