General User Interface Issues
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Where's the old search results?????Sharon Payne said: Go back to the old search results. This new website is awful. The results are …Answered Closed LegacyUser 731 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Re Searching General Questions
1White Space issue.Tom Huber said: iLoveMyLife02 wrote recently, "I wish the developers would secretly videotape …
I miss the old siteDaniel Evans said: I preferred the old site in which you can narrow your search criteria by enterin…
Localize place names and dates in Family Tree for better UXCollaborating contributors who use different language interfaces are experiencing a frustrating use…
Need to correct a standardized locationBritt, Hancock County, Iowa is a town of about 2000 and was platted in 1878. When I try to standard…Answered ✓ Closed osoggy 121 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile General Questions
4Make detail view defaultWhen a new user joins, detail view is turned OFF by default. This needs to be turned ON by default …new Closed Kathysexton70 291 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Allow filtering by Date AddedIt is very exciting that all of the FS microfilm has been digitized. As so many have already searc…
0Source Linker's Select button does not work todayBruce Compton said: In the Source Linker, click on the Select button to add an existing individual …new Closed LegacyUser 211 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by RobinsonSonyaJohnson Suggest an Idea
0Dead to living request not working.David Wynn said: Is is just me? I'm trying to request switch from dead to living for an individual.…