Family Tree
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7Message needed to show you have been timed-outA message is clearly displayed when I have been timed / logged out when using other websites. It i…
1Icon for Request PermissionI do a good bit of searching through ancestors descendancy view to see what ordinances haven't been…
1Auto followI would love to have a feature where the follow button on the FamilySearch Family Tree was automati…
Sharing the same family tree with a close relative?Is it possible to share the same tree with a close relative i.e. my sister? Including the ppl in th…Answered ✓ Closed DenisseGonzalez7 131 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Family Tree
1Fix the number of Source duplicatesIt appears that in many cases the system continues to offer the same source document as a suggestio…Active Closed RichardAnthonyMartin 131 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Cindy Hecker Suggest an Idea
1Adding Source TagWhen adding a Source Tag to an item [e.g. Residence] I am offered several Sources and asked to sele…Active Closed Mark McKenzie_1 131 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Mark McKenzie_1 Suggest an Idea
4Open new tab when looking at original recordI'm finding that when I try to look at a document that has a hint for the person, a new tab doesn't…
1Fan ChartI like the original 8 generation fan chart. The new one looks like broken pieces. Not user friend…
2Improve speed of printing recordsI noticed as of late that it takes much time for a record recently searched (other than in the form…Active Closed Stephen Momany 101 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
2DNA relativesWhile does not support DNA testing or results, it may be useful to have a check bo…