External Sources
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Sources not showing and unable to add new sourceHi , I am having problems with sources, specifically they are not showing even i I added in the pa…
How do I add, as a Source, a (government) website that does not have page-specific URLs?The GIS team at the City of Marietta, Georgia has a great deal of historical data about their signi…Answered ✓ Closed Eric8090 91 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett General Questions
2Enhance source records imported from Ancestry.comWhen a contributor imports a source from Ancestry using a personal account, only the Source Title a…Active Closed Bruce Compton 631 views 12 comments 2 points Most recent by dontiknowyou Suggest an Idea
1Have a separate section (not Sources) to link individuals to other non-primary sites and pagesI spend a lot of time on MusicBrainz, a massive database for recorded music. Aside from having doc…
Intermittent problems comparing profiles/transferring sources between FS & AncestryThere are many times when I've located records I was searching for on Ancestry, Created a profile f…
Single Record Indexing Tool Suggestion1) Users often have access to historical documents that have not been indexed and added to FamilySe…
Can I add sources I have to family search?One of my grandmothers cousins, has compiled a ton detailed history on our family. I have scanned i…