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1Allow members to communicate with other submittersI have found a genealogy that overlaps with mine, and I would like to brainstorm with that submitte…
what happens to your familysearch account when you die?what happens to your familysearch account when you die?Answered ✓ Closed Nancy Caroline Gibson 501 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by 886EZLContact ID FamilySearch Account
4Can a reason be given in Read only people why they are marked as read only?Why are certain people are marked read only. For example Mary Ann Pulsipher KWNN-G4B is marked read…
1Entry of placesI wrote to you in the past pertaining to entry of places. I do not think it is getting any better. …
2Place namesIt would be helpful if all place names when entering info onto tree came up together, ie Axminster …new Closed RitaRestorick 321 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by SharonReynolds6 Suggest an Idea
1Source listed as "GEDCOM data"I often see "GEDCOM DATA" listed as source for "Vitals". This comment usually a…
1"Possible missing child" should not appear if mother dies within 1 year of birth of last child.In the attached screenshot you see that the mother dies 1 year after the birth of her last 3rd chil…
3locationsHello, Recently, FamilySearch has invested its resources in "updating" locations on its i…
2Index correction: can we please have multi-piece highlight boxes?When a name you're correcting breaks across a line, or a date you're adding is scattered in three p…new Closed Julia Szent-Györgyi 171 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea