Discussion List
0Things about the New Merge system that Annoy me:Roy F Hunt said: 1) Information about the person or family: This information does not seem to line…
0Not perfect.Foster Harris Day said: When I have created an error, give me an opportunity to correct the mess I …
0Source Linker format changesJordi Kloosterboer said: If I remember correctly, when adding a new person, there did not used to b…
0Error CorrectionsPenny said: I appreciate your free assistance to folks wanting to record their family histories and…
0Identification for both duplicates in Reason statement box, when MergingEvaLynn Holt said: When I merge a set of duplicates, I have always just highlighted the name and pi…
0Member's list of all individuals that he/she worked onRadovan Belic said: In the List section please provide a list of all the individuals that a member …
0Bug submission: when adding a Photo artifact to an album, album list "disappears"Brian Craig McKibben said: I tried submitting this through FS help, but they wanted my helper numbe…
0Relationship Viewer multiple profile pictures are wrong.Jordi Kloosterboer said: I just looked up the relationship of someone I am editing and saw that mul…
0Make available Moldova Curch Books (Births, marriages, deaths 1910, 1904-1909 (Ghidighici)Eugen Danila said: Im trying to access from record “Moldova Curch Books 1811-1936” a film number 23…