Problem Scrolling down on FS Messaging threads

within the past 24-48 hours there seems to have ben a BUG introduced in the messaging system of the main FamilySearch system (not refering to messaging in Community - I havent tested that)
when I have message threads for a specific user - that take up more than one screen full - I no longer have a way to scroll down to see the most recent item on the thread
(no scroll bar and down arrow wont scroll either)
any browser any computer - seem to have the same issue
screen shot
others seeing the same issue?
It's 'Brett'.
I am not sure, if this helps/assists ...
[ As, your "Image", DOES NOT "Show", the WHOLE 'Picture' (ie. 'Right-Hand-Side) ... ]
But ...
I accidently found, EVIDENCE, of an "Inner", SECONDARY, "Scroll Bar" ...
Because, I always use the "Wheel", on my "Mouse"; as, I did not seem, to be having that problem/issue ...
Then, when, I 'looked' closer, I noticed, this "Inner", SECONDARY, "Scroll Bar" ...
Even though, the "Outer", PRIMARY, "Scroll Bar", was extended; and, would NOT move ...
I was able to use, that "Inner", SECONDARY, "Scroll Bar", to 'see'/access, ALL the interactions ...
And, I was able to use BOTH, (1) the "Wheel", on my "Mouse"; and, (2) the NORMAL "Pointer", to "Move" ...
[ ie. Both, UP; and, DOWN ... ]
NOT exactly intuitive ...
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Thats the thing
I dont se any inner scroll bar
BUT I now see that depending where my mouse cursor is
if I use the mousewheel I can actually scroll the inner window
is there any way to simulate the mouse wheel - while only using the keyboard?
again I think somethign changed
I think the inner scroll button may actually be there somewhere I just get the impression Im not seeing it because it may be white on white
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This is interesting ...
Just did some ... playing around (ie. "Testing") ...
Bear with me ...
I principally use, the "Browser", of 'Google' "Chrome", with the "Operating System" of "Windows 10".
But, also now use, "Browser", of 'Mozilla' "FireFox"', with the "Operating System" of "Windows 10", a lot.
[ ie. Two (x2) Users/Patrons, working together, on the same Computer ... ]
Plus, sometimes (very occasionally), I use the "Browser", of 'Microsoft' "Edge", with the "Operating System" of "Windows 10"; but, mainly, ONLY for "Testing" (and, "Comparison").
And, All of the aforementioned, using the LATEST "Versions", of Each.
Now ...
That Said ...
That "Inner", SECONDARY, "Scroll Bar", DOES NOT appear, in the "Browser", of 'Microsoft' "Edge" ...
But, regardless, the option to use, the "Wheel", of a "Mouse", DOES work ...
So ...
That Said ...
It would appear, that the appearance, of that "Inner", SECONDARY, "Scroll Bar", IS "Browser" specific.
ie. Can bee 'seen' in some "Browsers"; whereas, CANNOT be 'seen' in SOME "Browsers" ...
As such ...
I would humbly suggest, that ...
This is DEFINITELY a matter, that the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel ) ] NEED, to pass along the line (ie. Forward), to the Programmers/Engineers, for investigation, to be addressed/fixed.
Just my thoughts.
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I mainly use Chrome - and that was where I was seeing the issue
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has anyone yet reported this to FS Engineers??
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Unfortunately ...
It certainly DOES NOT 'look' like, ANY of the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel ) ] have ...
But ...
That Said ...
At least, it has been posted/raised, earlier TODAY, in the 'Section', of "Suggest an Idea" ...
Where ...
Hopefully, it MAY get, some MORE exposure ...
Well, lets hope so ...
To Wit ...
Suggest An Idea
Messages not scrolling
Just my thoughts.
Attention: Moderator @CJTobler ... [ I am sorry, to have to impose, upon you, once again ... ]
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I verified that the iPhone using messaging with FamilySearch plays nice and scrolls correctly. I also verified that the issue is with systems that do not use mice, but use scroll pads. So the coding for the "inner" scrollbar is what needs to be focussed on for computers that do not use mice.
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In my experience even WITH MICE there are issue
- the user should NOT be forced to use a Mouse Wheel.
(either they dont have one (the wheel) or dont want to use it)
My initial report was with multiple computers WITH a mouse but where the inner scroll bar was not functional nor visible ( and scrolling only worked if you used the mouse wheel which not all mice have)
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So now we know that someone moused around with the scroll code. 🤨
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I will bring this issue to the attention of my supervisor. I have duplicated the problem, and yes, without the wheel on my mouse, I could not view a long message thread.
Thank you!
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Finally !! - Thank You!! Appreciate all you do! We REALLY Do!
But how can we more efficiently route FS BUGS to the right people and do so more quickly??? such issue seems to be a very long standing challenge for FS (many years now) - too many bug reports get lost in the cracks or only see the right people after repeated complaints. The current community version that everyone wants to point people at to report bugs - has never really helped - but rather even complicated this issue even worse.
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Be sure to keep those who provide positive feedback to the users and are movers and shakers in the organization on speed-dial and email smart folders.
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The Community will continue to evolve and improve. The administrators monitor these threads and your input is helpful. The Feedback link is still an option as well as your posts. There is a Feedback link on the new homepage that you could use as another way of bringing attention to this problem.
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but I can really see how it an be a hit or miss whether a specific report gets fed (in a timely fashion) to engineers - and a lot of noise from one bug report to another in between of hundreds of other posts that are not bug reports at all.
(rather than a direct means to feed JUST bug reports directly to those who can fix them - in a method whereby it is known up front that the right people have at least been made aware and the submitter is made aware of that)
and currently bugs can and do get reported in a whole slew of places in the community . . . instead of just one front door for bug reporting - where any engineer / QA dept can can go to - a single source.
honestly if you ask 10 people where to report a true BUG to FS - you may get 10 different answers. . . none of which are direct feeds to the Engineers. and few of which end up in the submitter feeling confident the engineers know of the issue.
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Usa a bug-zapper icon for a bug report tab?
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something as simple as that would be nice! (along with another icon to indicate it HAD made it to the knowledge of the engineers)
(and a means by which engineers or QA could filter on just those items.)
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Amen! The bug zapper icon could be blue for reporting, orange for looked at and green for eradicated (following the temple ordinance icon color standard).
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hope it can be fixed soon.
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Meanwhile, we are being led to use the smartphone for messaging. And to resurrect the mouse wheel for computers instead of using touchpads. 🚫
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As a temporary work around for this bug, I found that if I shrink my browser screen (ctrl -) enough it will display the new message I'm trying to read at the bottom of the message display area. But if it's a long thread it may be too small to read at that point. :-)
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well yes - but that only works if the extra portion is a rather small portion that will fit on the screen when you decrease the font.
also note - if you have a mouse with a wheel - the wheel will allow you to scroll down.
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Someone needs to invent a Fresnel lense for computer screens.
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Or connect the computer to a large flat screen tv....
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I am experiencing the same issue with messaging. I emailed support and the response was that it was an error on behalf of the person messaging me. I replied with another screenshot showing the issue more clearly from another person. I have been using the service for years and know how it is supposed to work.
I also agree with a previous comment in this thread which says the feedback options ARE NOT user friendly. Too many hoops to go through to report an issue.
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It would be nice if "they" stopped shooting from the hip and blaming it on everything but the recent coding updates, making us prove to them that "we" are not the problem.
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I worked for a firm that no long exists, in software support on a product we had developed from the ground up and eventually it was absorbed by a larger shark in the Insurance software business.
I spent 5 years helping folks and we would remote in and "prove" the issues were not the software, but "their" environment. Many times it indeed was "our" fault and the team of code monkeys were sending out updates on a monthly basis (CD distribution) and then weekly and then automatically (online downloads) as customers signed in.
So I've sat on both sides of the fence and I appreciate the efforts being done by those involved in improving FamilySearch, however, I tend to think some of it is being done just because they can, not because they should. Case in point: the "new features" homepage, which we are told is " beta" when we state that some thing is missing.
If something is beta, brand it as such.
Give us a bug report tab instead of making us jump through a bunch of hoops in an attempt to get the issues to the "right" persons (which currently may or may not happen, depending on which rabbit hole we end up descending).
Feedback should be a two-way street. Goodwill is something earned.
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BTW, I tried the "reducing the view" "solution", which only works down a thread only so far. Not an optimum work-around. So at the moment, my real choice is to look at long messages and dialogues from my iPhone. Meanwhile, emailing others (as long as their email has been posted) in FamilySearch works fine, thank you very much.
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I think this issue may have been now fixed
BUT I note that the inner scroll bar is so extremely razer thin - that it is barely visible on my computer
why isnt the inner scroll bar thicker for better visibility???