Thanks forthe quick response. No real problem. I'm just trying to replicate what @Rue Snell is finding on the Cemetery Search page. My experience isn't matching hers for some reason. I just thought it would be good to make sure we are "on the same page".
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I use a PC.
I haven't tried using my android phone.
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That may be the different then. The Mac version may operate slightly differently but I think the results are pretty much the same so I am not going to dwell on it. The big thing is that your 'guy' should appear in that cemetery but doesn't. I am going to proceed and report the problem via Feedback as was suggested earlier. I'll let you know what I find out...
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I have found this discussion so helpful as the two of you and other contributors have been working to see how this new Search/Cemetery tool works. I have tried it out with some of my own ancestors and as long as the cemetery placenames are linked sources on PID I would find my ancestor in the cemetery's list.
As I thought about this, I wondered if there could be another reason why "your guy" was not being found. I decided to search for the website of the Graceland Cemetary, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, and found that they had a Burial Search. I typed in the surname: Burr. There were 8 listed, but I did not find one for Walter Delano Burr. Please double-check my findings to see if I missed anything. If it is correct, I would recommend calling the Cemetery to verify.
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I too have found this discussion insightful. I hope that they offer more information about it soon.
I was unable to report the problem today but plan to tomorrow. He really should show up in that cemetery!
That is interesting about him not being on the actual cemetery's website. @Rue Snell I would definitely check that.
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Just as a refresher, this is the gentleman in question. He should be buried in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, IL.
Walter Delano Burr Sr
6 March 1882 – 14 September 1933
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I submitted feedback today! I will report back when I hear something.
Linda, please note that the feedback does not allow submission of screenshots.
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There are 2 different pages in Search/Cemeteries for the same cemetery - one with a link to Find a Grave and the other with a link to Billion Graves. How do I join the 2 cemetery pages into one?
The cemetery is: Sheddsville Cemetery located in West Windsor, Windsor, Vermont, United States
The page with the link to Find a Grave is -¢erLng=-72.48792879999999&zoom=12.907010739220874&showMap=true&page=0&pageSize=100&showOriginal=true&siteId=&relativeId=&sortOrder=asc&relativesOnly=true®ionId=ChIJT3r4ujPb4YkRZdBSu6ue4To
The page with the link to Billion Graves is -¢erLng=-72.48792879999999&zoom=12.907010739220874&showMap=true&page=0&pageSize=100&showOriginal=true&siteId=&relativeId=&sortOrder=asc&relativesOnly=true®ionId=ChIJT3r4ujPb4YkRZdBSu6ue4To
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I have a similar case. I'm looking at the cemetery search which is accessed from the "Search / Cemeteries" menu item. This is for Timaru Cemetery, Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand. There are three indistinguishable listings in the dropdown list. One is for Find A Grave with 1610 burials, the other two are for Billion Graves with 114 burials and 1 burial.
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@CathyAH asked (sensibly)
"There are 2 different pages in Search/Cemeteries for the same cemetery - one with a link to Find a Grave and the other with a link to Billion Graves. How do I join the 2 cemetery pages into one? …"
Pessimistically, I don't think that there's anything that you (or @JulianBrown38) can do. Several people have been asking just how Search / Cemeteries works, with exactly zero results from anyone in FS. It looks very nice but there are serious questions about its functionality. I linked the FS FamilyTree profile for one of my relatives to his FindAGrave collection index record in FS. Instead of him appearing under the relevant cemetery in Search / Cemeteries absolutely nothing happened (then or in the intervening weeks), which makes me question whether there is a live interface (between FS FamilyTree and Search / Cemeteries ) or whether it was just a one-off run to create something for show.
The fact that the design of Search / Cemeteries did not take account of there being two (at least?) sources of cemetery data is a major flaw and if whoever designed and programmed it, has departed, then it might never be fixed… Yeah, pessimism…
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You might like to check out the "other" cemetery search. You can find it via the FS Tree home page's "Activities / All Activities" menu item. On the second row ("All about your ancestors"), there is a "Cemeteries" button. This deals only with your relatives. When it opens, it shows a map of the world with the burial places of whoever it thinks are your relatives. You specify a location which may be any standard place known to FS (not necessarily a cemetery). Alternatively, you can tell it to use your current location (from your computer's location services). The search will produce a list containing a few cemeteries, starting with the closest to the chosen location. Each cemetery has a dropdown list attached which can be expanded to display the relatives buried there. There is a button ("SEE MORE") at the bottom of the list which you can use to add more distant cemeteries to the list; eventually it will display all the relevant cemeteries across the globe with their distances (to the nearest .01 of a mile).
This search does have the advantage of not having multiple cemeteries with the same name, but it also has its quirks. For me, it still has difficulty determining who is a relative. It will list one direct ancestor but not their spouse who seems to have all the relevant data.
So, @Adrian Bruce1, maybe there is still a programmer in the house who could be persuaded…
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Oh! How interesting @JulianBrown38 I suppose there must be a good reason why there are 2 different facilities that give somewhat different answers! (6 relatives in Middlewich Cemetery according to one, 3 according to the other - hey, 50% difference isn't bad!)
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Mod note: Discussions on the same topic were merged here. References to a separate discussion were removed since all in the same place now.
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The thought Plickens! More and more curiouser!
Update: No word from submitted query as of 4 Apr2024.
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Sorry! I had knee replacement surgery 10 days ago and a bit distracted. I will call the cemetery directly and see if Walter Burr is buried there or not.
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No worries. Sorry you had to have surgery. Hope it works well for you and prayers for a quick recovery. Looking forward to what you find out!
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News!! I called Graceland on Friday and a gentleman in their office called this afternoon. Surprise!
It seems both were cremated and neither was buried in the cemetery. The death certificates state Graceland which they performed the cremation then turned the ashes over to the family!! I had no idea!
So FindaGrave must have had access to Graceland's complete records which included the cremations.
The list on FamilySearch is just the interments! So that's why my great grandparents aren't on that list!!
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Wow! Well, I'm glad you got that sorted.
So, if I understand this correctly… in their FindaGrave profiles they are listed as cremated? No, I just checked and I don't see anything reflecting cremation. They are listed as buried @ Graceland. So they should still be showing up in Cemetery Search.
Too many questions. Still waiting on reply. I'll let you know if I hear of anything.
i'm just glad you know now and have closure on it. That's what counts. We will figure out Cemetery Search at some point. Perhaps the Research Wiki will do a page on it - me hopes!
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@Rue Snell and @Tiffany Farnsworth Nash - this sounds reminiscent of the situation with my GG-Aunt in FindAGrave. According to that site she is buried in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, San Mateo, California. The data does explicitly say "buried". However, at one time I had a contact from the San Francisco area who very kindly offered to photograph Aunt Augusta's grave - if there was anything to photograph. The problem was that FindAGrave had no plot details - when Cris asked the Cypress Lawn office, after some digging (pun not intended) they established that she had been buried in Connecticut.
The reason she was recorded against Cypress Lawn was that the undertaker who'd handled proceedings after her death (in the San Mateo area), had been taken over by the Cypress Lawn company. At some point, the company had released its surviving records to FindAGrave - these records consisted of interment records for Cypress Lawn plus records for those funeral homes / undertakers who had been taken over by Cypress Lawn - records for people who could be buried elsewhere. The whole lot had been loaded and marked as Cypress Lawn, regardless of the actual burial place.
I don't mind FindAGrave loading the full set of records - I do wish they had a means of distinguishing "buried at Cypress Lawn" from "handled by a Cypress Lawn company".
Ever since then, I've been very wary of assuming that FindAGrave contains data about graves.
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Fascinating! The things we don't know. Thank you for sharing!
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On the Search>Cemeteries page, under "How to use this website" it states:
On each cemetery page, you will be able to search for your ancestors or other people that may be buried or honored there.As Rue stated, "The list on FamilySearch is just the interments! So that's why my great grandparents aren't on that list!!"
To me, this indicates that FamilySearch collects the information directly from the cemeteries.
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I think it's like Bruce said. Some FindaGrave cemetery records weren't just collected randomly from walking a cemetery. Some cemetery's have 'other' records including such as persons prepared to be shipped to other states, etc or cremations not intermed (for scattering!?!) We assumed in error it meant buried there. That is also why a direct search of the cemetery does not include them. At the time of data entry maybe there was no box to distinguish cremation, shipping, vs burial. I will update the cremation info on FindaGrave!!