Search>Catalog>Place>Church Records showing as locked in FHC computers

For the last couple of weeks we have been unable to access records restricted by copyright etc, which have a locked key symbol in Familysearch. My FHC is in South Australia and so far I have been unable to find anyone local who knows why this has happened and what we need to do about it. Can someone please help?
Best Answer
@dianaff I am not connected with FamilySearch
If it is a problem which has occurred recently, and the access was previously satisfactory, it might be the same problem as reported in the topic "Some Australian FHCs not connecting to Portal sites"
Perhaps you could also post on that topic.
Edit: There is also the topic
Thank you Maureen. It sounds like we have the same issues as both of those topics, so I will add my centre to the list. This is the first time I have used this community facility, so I will need to get familiar with finding my way around.