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Discussion List
New Issue: Discussion Order Reversed-FIXED9-3-24 Update: this has been resolved. Thanks for your patience while we got this taken care of! Up…
FamilySearch Labs Landing Page Errors-FIXED8-28-24 Update: This has been fixed. 8-22-24- Just a quick update: The FamilySearch Labs landing pa…
Ability to Add Images WorkaraoundDue to technical issues, the functionality to upload images to the Community Platform is still curr…
Known Issue with Merge-FIXED🆕7-10-24 Update: This issue has been resolved. 7-9-24 Update: We have been told that the merge issu…
Solutions Gallery UpdateThe Solutions Gallery has recently been updated and you can find it by clicking on this link, or by…
Announcing New FamilySearch Labs ExperimentWe are excited to announce the new Merge Analysis View Lab Experiment and look forward to your feed…
New Source Linker to Become Permanent🆕 Reminder/Update: The ability to toggle back and forth between the new and old Souce linker will n…
⭐️ 🎉 Family Search Labs as Announced at RootsTech- Please read before posting! 🎉⭐️This announcement disappeared from the original post date of 29 Feb 2024 and is being reposted: We…
Ability to upload images is broken-FIXEDThe ability to upload images, screenshots, or any kind of attachment is not possible at this time. …
💡Changes to Suggest an Idea are Now Live💡After consulting with engineers and to ensure that user ideas are understood and considered for pos…
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