View My Relationship
Discussion List
4Allow more than 15 generationsCan we have more than 15 levels of relationships? At least 16 would be nice then I could reach my a…Active PeterHogstrom 53 views 1 comment 4 points Most recent by Nicolas Peres Destro Suggest an Idea
1Provide the relationship between two peopleSometimes we have a hunch that someone with the same last name, general location, and/or other conn…Active dmiller3767575 56 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
5Have the Relationship Calculator Display the Relationship for Both SpousesThe relationship calculator in FamilySearch Person view does not adequately calculate relationships…
Can the relationship calculator be updated to not take non-biological relationships into account?Someone I am chatting with shows as my 4th cousin. But the listed MRCA does not have a biological r…Answered Cousin Vinny 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson General Questions
3New Filter for "My Reservation" PageHello- I recently took the survey for Family Search. Sometime after completing it, I was searching …Active Closed Shane Carter McEwan 39 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Shane Carter McEwan Suggest an Idea
how to "search" just my family treehelp! how do I search within only my family tree? I'm trying to locate a person added, and I have…Answered ✓ Closed joy_gryffindor 3.3K views 15 comments 2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
Is there any way to cancel a View Relationship request ?Is there a way to cancel this ?
1Could the "relationship-finder algorithm" be adjusted to exclude non-biological parents?This is not a personal issue of mine, but I became aware of the problem when contacting another use…
1How "relationship view is displayed" suggestion to programmers.Please do not confuse with all the comments I see on seeing relationships, problems viewing it, etc…
2Expand "View Relationship" FeatureI've found the "View Relationship" feature to be very useful, and I think it would be nic…