Uploading Gedcom
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How is it possible for someone to merge two people because of a GEDCOM file.How is it possible for someone to merge two people because of a GEDCOM file. I have sources and and…Answered ✓ Closed Lee Bruegger 755 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Lee Bruegger Family Tree
2GEDCOM upload UNDO buttonSo many GEDCOM uploads into Family Tree go badly awry, and this is so embarrassing for the contribu…
Possible to get a GEDCOM "merge" undone?An area of the tree that I work with has recently become polluted with numerous duplicates (probabl…
1GEDCOM category? (sorry not a new idea really and mostly just expressing my opinion with references)"A long time ago in a galaxy ..." ... a planet ... ... Welcome to the GEDCOM wars ... er…
How to update a family tree with a gedcom ?Hi ! I would like to upload a new version of my Family Tree with a gedcom import, either updating t…Answered Closed Cyrille Geffray 469 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Annie Schuman Gegan Family Tree
My GEDCOM is larger than 300MB and will not uploadI downloaded my GEDCOM file from Ancestry and tried to upload it but it is too large. Is there a wo…Answered Closed MichaelO'Connell9 232 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PiperTWilson Family Tree
Upload Your TreeHi, I'm trying to upload my family tree in Family Search website since December 22, 2021 but it see…