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Marriage linked to an wrong image"Deutschland Heiraten, 1558-1929", database, FamilySearch (…
Referring to or reproducing newspaper articles (or other items of publication)A person committed suicide in 1897. This was widely reported in Swedish newspapers at the time (sin…Answered Closed AndersAndersson 177 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by AndersAndersson Family Tree
Some retired records are showing up as attached in Source lists, but not in source linkersHere's an example -- three of the records listed in the Source list for this person are retired. h…
Why and how does Family Search add sources to my relative?I found an ancestor with conflicting information that I am trying to fix. However looking at the s…Answered ✓ Closed Campbell_JD 102 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree
Source - FamilysearchHi - I'm wondering how I find out what source a name/place/date came from when the last (or only) c…Answered Closed BaumgartJenna1 141 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Family Tree
remove incorrect sources?While researching my family, I found two census sources that mention several family members togethe…
When linking a source, a custom event is created. Why is the source not linked to that event?When linking a source, a custom event is created. Why is the source not linked to that event?Answered Closed Rick English 112 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree