Restore information
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PLEASE FIX THIS: "The Restore Request Has Failed"Hi, many users don't know how to use FamilySearch properly and make changes that cause information …
Why is the 'Restore' function failing?The 'Restore' function is glitchy. I keep getting a message saying 'This Restore request has faile…
6Unhide informationWhen (please) the new format is updated/fixed/reverts to what worked, PLEASE unhide the information…
Parents and siblings relationship deleted by someone else -- how do I get the information back?My husband's 3rd great grandmother's parents have had their relationship deleted from FamilySearch…Answered Closed jacklyngood1 243 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Colin Ramsbottom Family Tree
disappearing ancestorsWhat do I do when 400 years of ancestor research has been wiped from my tree. The one person that …
corrected a profile then found she has a large US family!I started adding dates & places for a New Zealander whose family I've recently been working on.…