Record Viewing
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What to do if the record's ink is too light to read?I am having trouble reading the West Virginia Census of 1870-1880. The ink on the page is nearly th…
BillionGraves collection has not been updated in some time - why is this?The last time the BillionGraves collection was updated was June 2019 - why has there been a delay i…
Incorrect Record Collection is linkedI am trying to view images from the Germany Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 collection, but every li…
0Messaging: Block personMelisa Riddel said: on Messages between people on family search could you please add the option to …
1Review/Merge multiple possiblesSherri said: Sometimes when I run the Possible Duplicates, I get multiple possibilities. It would b…
0Field Helps for Birth Date and Birth Place are for Death Date and PlaceBeth Taylor said: When adding a new individual, the form has fields for "Date of Birth" a…new Closed LegacyUser 321 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandra Black Duffy Suggest an Idea
How to access images at the FHC?I recently went to a family history center for the first time. I tried to access records that said …Answered ✓ Closed Ciji Wright 201 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Chas Howell General Questions
2Screen display at 4:3 ratioCan FS optimize the view for desktop monitors better? New Search Page- screen shot with 20” 4:3 rat…