Private person
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RE: Private Persons List (aka Persons List)It was working great a few days ago but now it just hangs-up on intial entry. Anyone else having th…Answered Closed Tiffany Farnsworth Nash 68 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tiffany Farnsworth Nash Family Tree
RE: Phone App - Contributions>Private Persons ListIs this still available on the phone app? ThanxAnswered Closed Tiffany Farnsworth Nash 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tiffany Farnsworth Nash Family Tree
Marked as Living orConfidential PersonsWhy are James Ellis GX72-WXF and his wife Sarah GX72-7YQ listed in my Private Persons? They are bot…
How to answer a question about marking living people as "deceased?"Is there an article or something that I can refer ? Here's a bit of the conversation I had with so…
2Enhance Private People Screen (Likely Easy To Do)I recently opened the Private People screen in My Contributions and was surprised how many people w…
Why is someone who is clearly deceased being listed as living?Rupert Lionel Thewlis Johnson March 1914 – 10 November 1942 • G82K-486 All sources for birth/death…
Why is my profile identified as a 'Private Person"? I can't see any of my ordinances on my accounwhy is my profile identified as a 'Private Person'? i can't see any of my ordinances on my own acc…Answered ✓ Closed fieldingscottwarner 567 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Amy Archibald Family Tree