Person Page Usability
Discussion List
New Person Page/About/Brief Life History Minor Format IssueI just noticed this very minor formatting issue on the Brief Life History section of the About page…
3Please go back to the old versionThe new version is way too confusing! While I may be part of the younger generation who uses it I f…Active Closed codyrhaderlie1 291 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea
1QuestionsWhat are you trying to accomplish? Why? I would like to have questions answered by others researchi…Active Closed brendaruple 251 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea
2Map dots and calendar markingsPlease put the map dots and calendar markings on the Person Page so we can see if the locations and…Active Closed Cherie Ailene Morgan 861 views 22 comments 2 points Most recent by GabrielArtaud Suggest an Idea
1Put Custom Facts at top of the listWhen adding facts, the custom facts option will be used the most. Please put it at the top of the l…
3Need Research LogIt would be really helpful if we had a research log (table format) that is anchored to the top of t…
1Change Tree Starting Person Setting in TreeIn FS account settings you can edit Tree starting person that appears next time login to FS. This i…
4Person Error MessageI am getting an error message that says “Oops, something went wrong. Please refresh the page” when …Active Closed Carolyn Marshall_2 521 views 1 comment 4 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
3Standardized date or place icon missingIn the previous program, you rightfully had an icon for date or place on the detail page showing to…Active Closed Jean Chowhan 821 views 26 comments 3 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Too much infoI'm not really liking the last changed notes area after the Vital info. It really is too much info…Active Closed J Comstock 201 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea