Discussion List
0Canada Ships Passenger ListsWEMK said: Please consider indexing Canada Ships Passenger Lists, from Library and Archives. An en…praise Closed LegacyUser 511 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by DanielleDilks Suggest an Idea
0Batch ReportingRichard Sidney Cook said: For indexing reporting, it would be much better to show batches successfu…
0Correcting entriesTom Huber said: There have been a number of recent entries about how names need to be corrected, bu…
1browser supportDon Mars said: ok which browser does this site support?? i have tried Chrome, Firefox, microsoft…
0Puebla, Veracruz & Oaxaca, Mexico ProjectsAlejandro Rocha Quiroz said: I am Alex Rocha, I am indexing projects from Mexico, but I really need…
0Person Added to Wrong Family - Need To Be Able To Unlink!Vicky Ann Hansen said: Please allow us to unlink people who don't belong and have been added to our…
Compare a FacePatricia Louise Low said: Compare a Face-I tried this new program on Family Search. I enjoyed doin…
0Request expansion of digital images to include Alcamo, Trapani, ItalyLarry Benjamin La Monica said: Request digital images for microfilms in catalog. I have been r…
1Allow user to enter ID of person in family tree when comparing GEDCOM person to FT personJerome Kasper said: On the compare GEDCOM with family tree, allow user to pick the match by entry o…
0110 yr rule. Asking permissionCarolyn D Allred said: I have a question on the 110 yr. rule. I have been watching the records of …