Opting Out of Campaign Notifications
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How do I turn off notifications about "discoveries"?How do I turn off all notifications about "discoveries"? I have the text and email notifi…Answered Closed Ritsumei 51 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson General Questions
2Step parentsFrom Darren Andrews 1. When a parent is designated as a stepparent the system should not send notif…
1"Calendar Notifications" notification frequency settings wording clarityHi, I noticed that I had some notifications when I got on today about birthdays of some of my ances…Active Closed parkerhenrygordon 91 views 0 comments 1 point Started by parkerhenrygordon Suggest an Idea
3ability to unsubscribe from birthday notificationsIt seems birthday/anniversary notifications are tied to hints about my ancestors but I am requestin…new Closed Tracy Walbaum 421 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea