Discussion List
9Probably An Unpopular CommentI am a professional genealogist with 54 years of experience. What I see on Family Search is NOT ge…
3Reprinting of temple ordinance cardsI have organized a Temple Group in my extended family for help with the ordinances created by my re…
3Add New Memory Source to Living PeopleI saw the newspaper announcement for my wedding. I attached it to my memory in the Gallery. I want …
6Latest Changes - instead of showing relationship deleted - say "Merged"It is not helpful to see the list of changes showing "relationship deleted" Please change…
Japanese GenealogyCollecting Koseki (Family register) documents from Japanese local municipalities is essential for J…
2Allow Old, Obsolete, and/or Inappropriate Discussions to be DeletedPlease allow experienced FamilySearch workers to be able to delete old and/or inappropriate Discuss…
1View My RelationshipWhen I go to Notifications - Changes to People You Follow and click on a person's name, View My Rel…
Why Did You Change the Search Page Design?! This is HORRIBLE!Why in the world did you change the search page design and functionality? This new design is HORR…Answered Closed JimHobbs 1.9K views 30 comments 16 points Most recent by Cherie Henderson General Questions
1Ordinances ReadyI would like to know if Family Tree has plans for updating the Ordinances Ready format so that when…new Closed Penelope Lundgreen 371 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Jane Cantrell Brookman Suggest an Idea