My Heritage
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This is not a question , but a compliment.I have been using FamilySearch online since about 1998. Before that I was doing what everyone else…Answered Closed Becky Johnson_12 332 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by WKathleenM4 FamilySearch Center
Hogyan lehet a My Heritage programból áthozni a neveket a Family Search-be?Sziasztok! Tudnátok nekem segíteni, hogyan hozhatom át a már korábban összegyűjtött családtagokat a…
Why can't I connect to MyHeritage from FamilySearch?I attended a webinar today sponsored by MyHeritage that indicated that there is a reciprocal arrang…Answered ✓ Closed Francis Reid 432 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by genbug08 General Questions